Roms cso
Roms cso

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For more information,please access our official website.: Supported Feature : - Supported 2X~5X PS2 Resolution (1080pHD) - Supported Widescreen Games (16:9) - Supported Gamepad -Similar to PPSSPP Emulator - Supported Skip BIOS boot game -Supported Multi-threading Acceleration - Exceed PPSSPP - SupportedNEON Acceleration - Similar to PPSSPP - Supported Multi-format gameROM, Include: -.iso\bin\img\nrg - Future Support New Feature :- Future Support Cheat-Code - Future Support Frame-Skip - FutureSupport No-BIOS file startup game ROM - Similar to PPSSPP Emulator- Future Support 16:9 Mode - Future Support Mipmap - Future SupportGamepad Vibration - Exceed PPSSPP Emulator - Future SupportImport\Export Memor圜ard file (Compatible Pcxs2 ) - Future SupportAcceleration of MEPG2, ARM-v8, Vulkan API - Future support 95% ofPS2 games are perfectly compatible In the future, DamonPS2 will runthe game 2x~10x faster than the current frame rate. Unlike PPSSPP emulator, currently, the state ofDamonPS2 emulator is still in early stages. We will release updated versionsevery 2~3 weeks.

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The difference between the freeuser and the paid user : - After the payment, APP has no built-inadvertising - After the payment, APP can support gamepad - Afterthe payment, APP can support the PS2 memory card to save/load gamestate - After the payment, APP can support HD1080p (3x ~ 5x PS2) -After the payment, APP can support cheat-code (Future) - After thepayment, APP can load/export PS2 memory card (Future, Pcxs2compatible format). And, DamonPS2 emulator is perfectly compatible withmore than 20% of PS2 games.

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Compatibility : In the 13965 PS2 game,DamonPS2 emulator can run more than 90% of PS2 games (with fewgraphics bugs). The DamonPS2 emulator can smoothly run PS2 video games onSnapdragon 835\845 smartphones (such as Samsung Galaxy S9\S8\Note8)and is compatible with more than 90% of PS2 games (with a fewgraphics bugs). Just like using PPSSPP emulator to run PSP games on thesmartphone, you can also use the DamonPS2 emulator to run PS2 videogames.

Roms cso